Saturday, September 27, 2008

Review: Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Conspiracy

Review: Robert Ludlums The Bourne Conspiracy

Ill try to keep this short. After all, Ive already given my impressions on Robert Ludlums The Bourne Conspiracy when I first played it in early July. Finishing the game didnt exactly change the way I felt about it. Heres the skinny: No matter how you put it, The Bourne Conspiracy is fun. It may not have depth, it may not require much brain power, but it sure is a blast. The violence that comes with shooting people in the face, smashing faces in using protagonist Jason Bournes deadly fi

More On Bioshock's PS3-Specific Trophies [Bioshock]

It seems that BioShock PS3 designer Tynan Wales' last post on the official PlayStation Blog left gamers with the impression that all of the achievements for the PS3 version would simply be the ones from the 360 version. Not so, says Tynan, following up said post with another, revealing two gold trophies unique to the PS3 version. The golden pair, both of which could be unlocked simultaneously, are A Man Chooses, received after beating the game on Survivor difficulty, and I Chose The Impossi

Battlefield: Bad Company Conquest Modus am 7. August

Battlefield: Bad Company Conquest Modus Die Angekndigkte Conquest Modus expansion fr DICEs Battlefield: Bad Company (PS3, 360) wird am Donnerstag kostenlos verfgbar sein! Zum Download werdet ihr dann den neuen Mod online beim PlayStation Store und Xbox Live Marketplace finden. Dieser Modus, welcher bei sonst hauptschlich bei Battlefield 2 Verwendung findet, bewirkt das ihr die Tickets der Gegner mit Hilfe von einnehmbaren Flaggen bzw. durch Eliminierung eurer Feinde, reduzieren msst.

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